الخميس، 25 سبتمبر 2014

Celebrate the crocodile meat ..

Celebrate the crocodile meat ..

Live range called (Cajun) in Louisiana, which is one of the United States. And celebrates this community in every season playing local music their own, eat from marine organisms, especially meat, shrimp, alligators, which are caught in the swamps that abound in these areas. In the holy ceremonies (which begins on the sixth of January each year) are playing loud music and exciting of all kinds, and conducting competitions Disguise and display local crafts and, of course, dancing. Music (Cajun) completely distinctive and full of life, and the main reason for the presence of many, all over the United States, to the celebrations is to enjoy this music that is unmatched. The first groups migrated from a wide (Cajun) of Canada for nearly two hundred years, and settled in Louisiana. And loves this community fun, and that its members are working and playing with the same vigor and enthusiasm, they are also characterized by an increase of excitement in their food, add spices and other materials in order to cook spicy food with flavor varieties exciting protector. Perhaps the most important traditions (Cajun) is (T Kippur), which is defined as the time to evade the burdens of daily and participate in the celebration of a raucous punctuated reviews dressed in traditional costumes with bright colors red, green and gold, Balsobh long robes head alien, a so-called (carnival).
One of the pleasures of traditional favorite for a wide (Cajun) during celebrations (T Kippur) cooked meat, shrimp, alligators, and that these foods are placed in the pot, even Tertsm excitement on the faces of everyone. It starts in the skilled chefs prepare tasty dishes of meat, shrimp, alligators after mixing vegetable soup mix or pancakes or rice or potatoes, corn and onions. Perhaps the strangest habits in the celebrations (T Kippur) is heading a number of young people (apostates clothing masquerade exotic) to homes in cities to collect (donations), where dancing and singing to respond urban residents and give them meat alligators, shrimp, soup, rice and onions to be used in the work of food for them!

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Je suis ici pour partager mon témoignage de ce qu'une bonne société de prêt de confiance a fait pour moi. Je m'appelle Nikita Tanya, de Russie et je suis une charmante mère de 3 enfants.J'ai perdu mes fonds en essayant d'obtenir un prêt, c'était si difficile pour moi et mes enfants, je suis allé en ligne pour demander une aide au prêt, tout espoir était perdu jusqu'à un jour fidèle où j'ai rencontré mon ami qui a récemment obtenu un prêt de Le_Meridian Funding Service.Elle m'a présenté cette honnête société de prêt qui m'a aidé à obtenir un prêt dans les 5 jours ouvrables.Je serai toujours reconnaissant à M. Benjamin, pour m'avoir aidé à me remettre sur pied. Vous pouvez contacter M. Benjamin par e-mail: lfdsloans@lemeridianfds.com, ils ne savent pas que je le fais pour eux, mais je dois le faire parce que beaucoup de gens ont besoin d'une assistance de prêt s'il vous plaît venez dans cette entreprise et soyez sauvé. WhatsApp: (+ 1 989-394-3740)

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