الخميس، 25 سبتمبر 2014

Sons of tribal stars

Sons of tribal stars 

Known members of the tribes (Aldjrn) African masks Boalam severe and massive wooden products and tools, which they paint in colors of red and black and white, also excelled in astronomical observations to some extent surprising. The tribes originated (Aldjrn) on the West Bank of the River Niger, in the tenth century AD, and then migrated to Mali, which is located in the west of Avriqia.azra tribesmen (Aldjrn) cotton, rice, corn, and raise livestock. Because of the nature 
Agricultural to their homeland, the land and crops play an important role in the customs and traditions of this 
Tribes. Ancestral traditions of the tribes (Aldjrn), put blocks of mud on 
Their huts and their markets, continuing to urge the fertility of the land, and this happens before Tradition 
The rainy season and the first cultivation of the land. It is a tradition that it also keen 
Ritual funeral to bury the dead, which allow the dead to leave and enter the world of life 
In the world of death! And also include the beginning and end of the period of mourning for the dead, and these include 
Ritual wear colorful masks frightening, embodying legendary figures with supernatural abilities! It is the strangest habits that prevailed for nearly a thousand years, do 
Tribesmen (Aldjrn) during the nights of specific beating drums and loud music and dancing wildly and supplication, as they believe that the star (Sirius) has a star companion does not see with the naked eye, and spins this companion star every fifty years in elliptical orbit around a star (Sirius) visual , a star is very heavy. At the same time, it revolves around a self-centered. How is it possible to see the tribes (Aldjrn) who do not know anything about the astronomical devices to know all this information about the hidden invisible star? Rather, this star, which scientists call (Sirius b) are not monitored, but a huge telescope in 1970! It is the strangest thing that members of the tribes (Aldjrn) believe they are descended from objects coming from this star hidden!

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مرض السُّل

مرض السُّل: ويوجد نوعين لمرض السُّل، وهما: السُّل النشيط ، والسل الخفي . وهو من أكثر الأمراض عدوى ، ويمكن التعافي والشفاء من هذا المرض...