السبت، 27 سبتمبر 2014

When human food needs

Food classification by function:
Food in a variety of human origin (plant and animal) and its components
How can be classified according to human need?
1) - the food energy:
Food energy is the organic foods provide the body with the necessary energy to perform various functions
There are three types of food energy: sugars and fats and Albrocadat
The human need to vary the energy and activity by age and sex
2) - Food constructive:
Provide the necessary materials to build tissues, namely:
Albrocadat (which believes in the growth of the body when the child and the young man and was able to renew the cells of the body when the elderly. Different human need to Albrocadat depending on age)
And some mineral salts
3) - Protective foods:
Prevention body from disease, namely:
Water and mineral salts and vitamins do not generate energy but essential to protect the body from disease.
Human need of food
Human exposure to many disorders if removed from the diet of certain food groups
What are the needs of food quality and quantity of man?
- Human need of food energy:
Food and energy are Albrocadat especially fats and sugars. This man needs food quantities vary depending on age and activity and sex and physiological condition
This provides food for humans and Energy estimated the amount of energy in these foods:
1 g sugars produce 4 kg
1 g Brocadat produce 4 kg
1 g fat produces 9 kg
- The need for man to food constructive:
Albrocadat considered the most important food constructive They provide the necessary elements (amino acids) to build tissue and thus the growth of the body. Human quantities needed vary according to age, sex and physiological Hilla
- The need for man to protective foods:
1) - Vitamins: They are organic foods incombustible person needs very small quantities and are essential for the maintenance of the body and protect him from diseases
2) - mineral salts: a person needs in different quantities examples: Alsodiom- Albotaseyoum- Alklseyoum- phosphorus-iron ...
Man needs all the nutrients and the quantities and amounts needed
Building and nutritionally balanced meal
Man needs his food to all the nutrients and the specific proportions. No food contains all the nutrients ideal proportions, so it is necessary to diversify the food in diets
How can we define our need of daily food?
Do we need all of us to the same diets?
- What is a meal?
Meal is the amount of food needed by the human daily, and to ensure that health and safety and is distributed in three periods: breakfast, lunch and dinner, and add to Mjh Mjh morning and evening for the child and adolescent
- The overall balance for the meal everyday:
The balance of the meal depends on the distribution of the daily rates of nutrients for producing energy as follows:
- Contribute to the sugars in providing about half of the thermal energy
- Contribute to fat in the third
- The Albrocadat should not exceed five daily energy needs
- Terms of balanced diet:
· Meal vary by age and the degree of physical activity of the individual and the physiological status and health status.
· Is not considered a balanced meal unless provided adequate nutrients quantity and quality to meet the needs of the body of energy and construction and Prevention proportions fit in with the real needs of the individual.
The body needs three food groups namely food energy and food constructive and protective food
Not be balanced meal only if these groups in sufficient quantities and proportions fit in with the real needs of the individual, without exaggeration or negligence

Therefore vary depending on the diet of several factors such as age, sex, and physiological status and the severity of muscle activity

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