السبت، 27 سبتمبر 2014



The water that exists beneath the surface of the Earth may appear on the surface of the Earth in low places. 

      Rainwater is the main source of this water. 
      Molten water which is the water rising up the crystallized magma after different stages. 
      The water associated with water that accompanies the process of sediment formation in the early stages and confined between the parties and pores. 

Groundwater in the upper part of the crust of the earth is known of the groove. 
We divided the crack area into two sections: 

The scope of the breakdown: 
It comprises the upper part of the area where the crack is filled with blanks most rock where the air contains a certain amount of water. 

The scope of saturation: 
The following is the range of downward ventilation, and the pores of the rock are filled completely with water and called groundwater in this range the name of groundwater, and knows the name of the upper surface field level of the water table of the aquifer saturation. (See Figure) 

The most important phenomena that follow: 
Groundwater plays an important role in terms of chemical activity Almikaneki activity is very low compared to the active chemical groundwater, which constitutes three processes: fusion - replacement - sedimentation. 

Geological aspects from melting: 
The ground dissolution of hard water and assisted on gas carbon dioxide dissolved in which, working on the conversion of calcium carbonate to calcium carbonate soluble in water and is made caves and often failure or landing rock layers above the cave consists of drilling cavernous hydrogen. 

Geological aspects resulting from the replacement procedure: 
Salts dissolved in support from the remains of organic matter buried in the rocks operating groundwater to bring the metallic material carried by organic matter and replace it hardens these remains to be seen what Balahaver or petrified wood 

Geological aspects resulting from the deposition: 
In many instances, ground water soluble granules of metal deposition where the rock material and the result is: 
      The cohesion of the rock, as in the formation of iron sandstone or quartz sandstone. 
      Groundwater depositing its load of metal material in the cracks and holes in large rocks composed of mineral veins, which are of economic importance. 
      When water enters the saturated calcium bicarbonate by the warmth of the atmosphere of the cave of carbon dioxide and water and Kalaseyoum, calcium carbonate Vtaatersb before falling drops caves attic earth including growth significant ceiling are called stalactites. 
      If the drops fell on the floor of precipitated calcium carbonate cave in the form of columns up, known as stalagmites. As is the case in the Jeita Grotto in Lebanon. 

Groundwater Contamination 
In general, underground water is pure and free of harmful contamination and bacteria, but it may be exposed to contamination due to external factors, such as: 
      The presence of defects in the design of water wells and the lack of attention to isolate abandoned wells. 
      Using improper to get rid of dirt and sewage waste components and industrial and agricultural products and livestock resources. 
      The presence of well near sewers and sanitary sewers 
      The presence of wells in the floodplain and floods. 

And the exposed surface layers of the water pollution significantly ball and whenever the water level in the layers near the surface of the earth with each increase in the ease of use of the pollution. The bacteria transferred to the deeper layers, particularly if the rock material consisting of layers of high porosity and permeability. To protect water wells, it must identify places away from sources of pollution and to take into account when designing and implementing the necessary protection of health.

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